Friday, January 29, 2010

VO2 Testing A.M. / O-LIFT in the P.M.

5min Stationary Bike
3x35 pushups (with 1min rest intervals

Power Clean & Jerk
1x3 @ 135#
1x3 @ 185#
3x2 @ 215#

Weighted Leg Lifts 10x10
Bench Press
4x5 @ 225#-235#

Rack Pulls
5x4 @ 225#/ 245# / 245# / 245#

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

STRENGTH / Power Output

10min ROW (warm-up)

BB Complex
x6 Deadlifts +
x6 Bent-Over Rows +
x6 Push Press +
x6 Front Squat
135# / 135# / 155# / 155#

5x3 Power C&J @ 185#
5x3 Back Squats @ 275# / 315# / 335#
5x3 Deadlifts (clean pulls) 225# / 255# / 275# / 315# / 345#
5x8 Strict Pullups

6 Rounds
x10 Ball Slams
x10 KB Swings @ 53#
x10 Box Jumps

Training @ Vitality is going well and it is nice to have a quiet spot in the world to do quality work.

I did my first Lactate Threshold test this morning for the Univ of Utah's and it went really well...for me at least. The scientists were a little stumped because my Lactate levels actually went down and my HR never went up (significantly). So...good for Kylie but I kind of screwed up their test numbers...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday sesh w/ the wifey

5min AirDyne

5 Rounds
x10 Wall Balls
x10 Slam Balls
x10 Push Press @ 135#
30sec rest --- then repeat

Louder than 10
x5 Ball Slams
x10 Pushups
x15 KB Swings

Vitality - Saturday

worked up to 1RM on Deadlift
1RM DL = 435#

x1 30sec sprints on the AirDyne (hold above 850watts)
followed by x10 Ball Slams
5 Rounds

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday -- O-LIFTS

Power Snatch
warm-up with barbell and then @ 95#
2x3 @ 125#
3x2 @ 135#
5x1 @ 150#

Clean & Jerk
warm-up @ 135/185#
2x3 @ 200#
5x1 @ 240#

Depth Jumps + Pullups 5x5

2x2 @ 240#
2x1 @ 255#

O-Lifts / Rack Pulls

2x6 Snatch Press @ 45#-65#

Power Snatch
2x3 @ 125#
3x2 @ 145#
4x1 @ 165#

1x3 @ 135#
2x3 @ 200#
4x1 @ 235#

Rack Pulls (w/ Straps)

Depth Jumps 5x5

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday -- SWIM

Swim 1000m
10x100m sprints (stay under 1:40)

---@ the U---

5x3 @ 315%

Depth Jumps

10x6 Pullups

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


A dear friend of mine, Chase "McBaggins" Evans has opened up a new facility called Vitality. Vitality will end up being a hybridization of all things great in fitness. It takes principles from all of Chase's (and his trainers) various experiences. Whether it is the "trendy" CrossFit programming that is great for just General Fitness (without really striving to excel at any one thing) or focusing in on an athlete/clients individuals goals/needs/wants, Vitality will have an answer and programming for you. Whether you are a Triathlete, Arm-chair QB, MMA fighter, or Soccer Mom we look forward to helping you achieve your fitness goals

I am excited by the opportunity to be a trainer for Chase at Vitality and hopefully we can (1) turn this place into a TRUE fitness facility and (2) more importantly, bring fitness to our clientele that will actually benefit them in their careers/hobbies!

Vitality: Functional Fitness Programming
2212 S. West Temple
Suite #7

call Kylie @ 801.671.6462
call Chase @ 801.699.9615

2010: Oly Lifts

Had a great session up at the University of Utah with their Strength and Conditioning Coach Mike Waller. Mike is a USA-W certified O-lifting coach as well as having a litany of other accolades.

In the matter of an hour he corrected some of my technique flaws. I struggled primarily with having too much of an acute angle prior to my second pull in the Power Clean. He also helped me work on my "double knee bend" or scoop, so that I could synchronize all of the separate pulls into one cohesive, explosive, violent movement

it ended up being a session of singles and doubles @ 225# (or 100kg) of C&j (Clean and Jerks). THe more I learn from Mike about proper body position, the easier I am finding it to throw weight up overhead!