Friday, September 3, 2010


Today is the REST DAY...

Don't do any work whatsoever! Eat well (indulge in a cheat meal and prepare for the next week)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday - SWIM/REST

100m easy pace
100m pull
50m kick

800 swim @ 80% (:30r)
600 swim @ 85% (:45r)
400 swim @ 90% (:60r)
Cool Down: 200 swim

Total distance: 2000m = 1.24miles

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday -- Gym Jones Session

GYM JONES session with Michael

TRX Plank Hold/Mtn clibmers :30/:30 on/off

1 round every 2 minutes (for 10minutes)
x5 Deadlifts @ bodyweight
x10 Push Press @ 50# DB
20 cal AirDyne

1 round every 2 minutes (for 10minutes)
x5 Goblet Squats
x10 Ball Slams
140m SkiErg

100m warm-up
50m KICK
50m PULL
---REST 1 min---
2x50m @ 80% (:30r)

800m -- REST 1min
600m -- REST 1min
400m -- REST 1min
200m -- REST 1min